We've been able to enjoy the weather a bit more recently. We've been to a couple different parks, and though there isn't much for Romelie to do there (no walking = no climbing = she can sit on the swing or the ground and that's about it), at least she's getting fresh air and sunshine.
I will say, as sweet and cute and smart as Romelie is...it's hard for me to understand her emotions and behavior sometimes. I mean, I take a toy away from her and she throws the biggest tantrum in the world. Another kid touches her gently and she cries for 5 minutes. Someone she's seen dozens of times says hello to her and she hides her face in my shoulder or even acts afraid. So I was surprised (and a little disappointed) she didn't have more fun today. And when I took her little pool toy away and she screamed for two minutes (the only kid to react that way), I have to admit, it was a little embarrassing. Here's all the other kids, ranging from 6-36 months, having fun, giggling, or just calmly enjoying themselves - and here's my 16 month old throwing a screaming fit because I took away a plastic duck that wasn't hers to begin with. I mean, I know every kid in that pool has done that at some point to their parents, too, and it's not just my kid. But I wish I understood the reasons behind the mood swings.
But not to worry. I may not be able to predict her mood, but I can still enjoy it when she's happy and content. And thanks to this awesome video, so can all of you.