(We might have practiced that a few times before making the video.)
Folks, Romelie is doing so well lately. She's generally happy and pleasant and fun. She still whines and throws occasional tantrums, but so many fewer than just a couple months ago. It makes life with a toddler much more enjoyable.
The odd thing is, she's been sick the last, like, month. She's had a cough for nearly four weeks. I finally brought her into the doctor on Wednesday, and she's being treated for a double ear infection and possible bronchitis. Which seriously makes no sense to me because she's been so darned awesome. I mean, if I had a double ear infection and bronchitis, you can bet your butt I'd be a lot whinier and throwing a lot more tantrums, and I'm nearly 30. She's on her last dose of medicine tonight and we go in for a follow-up on Wednesday, so I'll let you know if it's cleared up (she's still coughing, though not dry coughing anymore).
She's also entered the "Why?" stage. Romelie, it's time for bed. Why? Because you need to sleep. Oh. Let's get your jammies. Why? Because it's bedtime. Oh, bedtime. Help me put on your jammies. Why?
Like that. It's still cute, and I don't mind repetition, so it's okay.
I know there's lots more news to share from the last week (ask Chason about taking Romelie to swim lessons yesterday, getting her all dressed, and walking into the pool area only to be told classes are cancelled because someone barfed in the pool--and then having to break the news to the all-excited-to-go-swimming 2-year-old...), but I'm on my way to Buca di Beppo for our romantic Valentine's dinner...with the kid. :)
So I leave you with videos. Both of these go together, so play one after the other. See if you can recognize the following songs in Romelie's musical medely: ABCs, Old MacDonald, Row Row Row Your Boat, and 5 Little Monkeys. Bonus points if you can recognize the animals and their sounds in Old MacDonald. Final comment--listen for the dramatic ending to E-I-E-I-O in video #2; it's how mommy sings the song, but I'd never heard her do it that way before this moment. Enjoy.