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Thursday, November 15, 2007

No room at the inn

Sad Danni. I did everything within my power to prepare for tonight. I washed all dirty laundry, changed sheets on the beds, and cleaned the kitchen thoroughly. I ate pasta last night (gotta carb up, you know!), and lots of bland, easy-to-digest foods today like soup and toast and clear juice. And I slept from about 1:00 - 3:30 this afternoon to get my body as ready as possible.

I called at 4:00 to find out when I might be coming in, and they said they would call back at 5:00, but if I was going to come in, it would probably be around 7:30. Well, a very nice nurse called me back at 5:30...and said they're busting at the seams and they just don't have the beds or the staff to accommodate me tonight.

Sad Danni.

So I will call tomorrow at 5:30 am to find out if/when they would have me come in tomorrow.

And in the meantime, I guess I've gotten pretty good at I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm good at.

BTW, I had Chason take this picture of me right after my was going to be my "last day being pregnant" picture, but apparently we'll be taking another one tomorrow...

Sorry I'm a bit down this post...I'm just disappointed.


Molly said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you're "on hold" at the hospital when you thought it was FINALLY time. I'll really really be hoping that it all happens very soon and you're feeling just as ready as you were this afternoon...keep us posted...

Anonymous said...

Sending you ready? Three, two, one...


- Erika

Scott & Ellen Enebo said...

any word yet? I'm on pins and needles, half a world away. Can't wait to meet Baby Dancer... hope to see you both in a few short weeks. love ellen